Insights to conversion, digital media drives impact.
Maximize performance and engage your consumer with an experienced digital media team. We take a multi-channel, targeted approach to improve and identify creative new ways to build your brand through insights and digital media expertise. Let us work with your competitive advantage to develop the strategic roadmap. What is the strategic blueprint for your company?
Define and synchronize your strategy across channels.
Leading digital brands realize the value of digital integration and its synchronicity with all other media channels. We create digital strategies that pinpoint the intersection of business goals and user needs.
Digital vision, the value proposition message, multichannel and content publishing process, Global/Localization strategy and governance, customer relationship platforms-CRM, mobile commerce, responsive design, customer insights and analytics
Our Digital strategy process:
- Align the organizational stakeholders
- Capability Assessment and Planning
- Outline the business marketing goals for programs and campaigns
- Develop inbound and outbound marketing funnel: Plan > Reach > Act > Convert >Engage
- Define the primary metrics: key measures
> AWARENESS – Views/impressions/reach of media
> ENGAGEMENT – visits -clicks through to campaign
> CONSIDERATION – Engagement with product promotion for calls to action
Define Your Primary Metrics
SEO & Analytics
One key insight can transform a brand.
SEO+ Paid Search Advertising Display Advertising + Remarketing + Analytics
We help your prospects find your business
Of the 8 billion searches on the internet every month. Will they find your business by the keywords that define your business value for them?
We work with your marketing objectives and set up your site to optimize how your company is found by differentiating search strategies. We make sure your site is easy to use and find.
By making sure your website is easy to use, has compelling copy that holds people and also makes them want to return, and optimizing it so that it is found in all the noise.
Search engine optimization (SEO) involves more than just throwing in a few keywords behind the scenes. It is a process that takes time, and if someone promises you overnight results, back away slowly.
Our services include:
- Working with you to understand your business
- Performing competitive and site analysis
- Researching keywords to find the ones your best customers use to find you
- Rewriting (or writing) the copy on your Web site to hold customers’ attention and highlight key words
- Building links to raise your visibility
- Creating behind-the-scenes metatags for search engines to use
You’ve worked hard to build your business. Make it easy for the right customers to find you. Differentiating ideas grow out of strong insights. And strong insights are discovered by people with the experience to identify them in a sea of data. We analyze the data, business goals, and behavior for a holistic view, and then distill our findings to uncover exactly what your user needs and how you can give it to them.
- Competitive Analysis
- Target User Needs
- Customer Personas
- Analytics Analysis